

What I'm Working on Wednesday: Demolition

Originally posted August 27, 2014
Time to mention what I'm working on in this little plot of  Indiana. Usually it is food, but probably for the next 2 months just house stuff. Poor little Wood baby will have to wait for awesome craft projects.
Mr. Wood and I are working on remodeling our house. You may remember this is our first home! So exciting right? When a young couple says "oh we are remodeling right now", I image sparkling teeth shining off radiant faces, with a homey golden glow behind them, some paint on a cheek, and a bright cheery space. There is probably a ladder in the scene and a paintbrush in one hand. What it means for real is something more like this:
  • Half of our boxes still unpacked--but slightly torn open as we search for semi essentials--1 month in. 
  • Mr. Wood and I wearing tattered (like really tattered) shorts and dirty t-shirts everyday, and some of us can't zip those shorts closed.
  • No surface ever being clean, ever. Especially if it is horizontal. Want to put down that heavy load? Too bad. there is a million things already sitting on top of the stove.
  • Every trip through our 900 sq foot house is a maze.
  • Wearing shoes constantly, because why vacuum when you are going to tear it all up and throw it away? Plus, who needs to pick up sharp objects when you are just going to need it in a couple hours?
  • Being always sweaty.
  • Going on an errand every day.
  • Nothing ever looking done.
But I have to admit I kind expected stuff like this would happen. Although I forgot to calculate the speed at which my pregnant body can/should move--so we are behind schedule. Don't worry though--with Mr. Wood starting class yesterday--we are sure to get the house to a livable state by the time Wood baby comes out.
Our current focus is the kitchen, so here are some pictures. I don't have today's picture because I can't lift myself off the couch--but I assure you it is actually starting to look better, and has stopped looking worse each time we do something.
kitchen before
(Note: The brightness in this photo is some camera miracle. Refer to later photos for what the kitchen looks like 97% of the time)
Ah that stove. Something to be terrified of. It ran on a pilot light so was always warm/gasy smelling. Plus the lighters on the burners only worked 30% of the time. Goodbye magic chef-- it is now replaced with a swank new stove. Note the mustard linoleum-- which after being pulled up revealed a layer of avocado green/dark brown linoleum. Classic. Laminate flooring is going on next. Also note the walls, which seem harmless enough. These walls however are a lie. Perfectly smooth walls covered in ugly  mauve wallpaper were actually ugly mauve wallpaper covered particle board tacked and glued across the entire kitchen, revealing underneath a very shabby tile removal job, and wall texture that will cut you.
The previous owners were also kind enough to remove the cabinets on top, and cover them with particle board, so this is what Mr. Wood did on Saturday:
kitchen before 2
At first I was like "Oh we could just put doors on that, and have sooo much storage! Hallelujah we need that"
Then I was like: why is the framing so wonky? And why did they fail to match up any midway points with the cabinets underneath?
not symmetrical
Kills me. Who knew 6 inches could kill you? That plus the shabby job in general led us to take down mode. Which was actually an amazing idea. Next year hopefully we will have some cabinetry type deal, but for now, just a little more space to breathe.
As for now, we are doing pretty good. BBC shows at night to keep us sane, occasional baking extravagance still happens, long naps, vegetables and exploring our new town all keep us healthy and good. 
Next week: I'll show you more pictures of how we are doing it all.

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