

Winter Days

originally published feb 4, 2015

We have had our official first blizzard of the year. Michiana is great because whenever the weather even hints snow, every T.V. channel has this scroll bar at the bottom with all the urgent news and estimated times of the snowfall. We take weather over here so seriously we are willing to cut off the bottom of night time television just so we can constantly know what is going on. Subtitles do not work on these days.
Anyways, it was as big one. Shoot I don't know. 1 foot of snow? 3 feet? 
Google says 12.3".. so there is the official record.
But, snow days are the best days! And I want to reflect on some things that are giving me the happies.
1. Snow makes the Michiana monotony of gray day after gray day a little more interesting. The whole world is currently sparkly and white!

2. Because: These guys!mikeandano
Mr. Wood loves to study and hold Ansel in the mornings. Look at those chubs! It's almost always a party when you have that much baby chub.
3. Also, sunshine. The sunshine after a storm is so beautiful and warm. We don't have many windows, so any sunshine we can get is amazing. See my dirty windowsill with view of neighbors half-finished renovations looks ah-MAZING
4. Finally, Sunday night traditions. This year before "Downton" we have a new tradition. The great British baking show!  So aesthetically pleasing, that I can't handle myself. To prepare for the prettiness that is: people with English accents baking dobos tortes in pastel kitchens set up in a garden of an antique estate--I make my own treat. Usually something I haven't made. This week? A strange pie brought to me via npr. Atlantic Beach pie. It was lovely, very easy, and an excellent 2nd breakfast.
I hope you are finding happy in your life, but if you are running low this pie might help.

1 comment:

  1. erik and i also love that show! and yes, so beautiful to look at!
